Treaty of Hudaibiyyah

    In 6AH, the Beloved Prophet with his companions travelled to Mecca to perform Umrah. At a place named Hudaibiyah, near Mecca, Usman was sent for negotiations with the Quraish of Mecca for entering the city. Quraish didn't give their assent nor let him come back. Rumours of the killing of Usman were widespread. Hearing this, Muslims take an oath (Bait e Rizwan) that they would not return unless they take revenge on Usman. Afraid of the war, Quraish returned Usman with Suhail Ibn Amr as their ambassador to settle the terms of the treaty. Some major clauses of the treaty of Hudaibiyyah:
  • Now, the Muslims will not enter the city, but after one year to perform Umrah for 3 days only.
  • They will not fight for 10 years.
  • Any tribe could make an alliance with either party. Moreover an attack on an ally of either party would be considered an attack on itself.
  • If a person flees to the Muslims from Mecca, Muslims will return that person. If a Muslims goes to Quraish, will not be returned.
    The Treaty of Hudaibiya was apparently in favour of the Quraish, but in the long term it proved the strategic vision and statesmanship of the Holy Prophet. How treaty of Hudaybiyyah proved helpful for the Muslims:
  • First time Muslims were recognized as a party, because a treaty was settled between two equal groups.
  • Muslims conquered Khyber and the war of Mawta, without fear of war from the Quraish of Mecca and Jews of Madina.
  • No more cruelties over Muslims living in Mecca.
  • Prominent Arab personalities (Khalid-Ibn-Waleed and Amr-Ibn-Al-Aas) accepted Islam.
    In 8AH, an ally tribe (Banu Bakr) of Quraish attacked an ally tribe (Banu Khuzaima) of the Muslims. On this, beloved Prophet gave the Quraish three options:
  1. Dissolve alliance with Banu Bakr
  2. Compensate
  3. Dissolution of treaty
The Quraish opted last option. The beloved Prophet conquered Mecca with an army of 10000 men.

That's why Quran said it Fath'e Mubeen.
انا فتحنا لک فتحا مبین
Translation: Verity, We have laid open before thee a manifest victory.