CSS English Precis & Composition Paper 2023 Complete Solution

Question No.2. Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title:

On the question of freedom in education there are at present three main schools of thought, deriving partly from differences as to ends and partly from differences in psychological theory. There are those who say that children should be completely free, however bad they may be; there are those who say they should be completely subject to authority, however good they may be; and there are those who say they should be free, but in spite of freedom they should be always good. This last party is larger than it has any logical right to be; children, like adults, will not all be virtuous if they are all free. The belief that liberty will ensure moral perfection is a relic of Rousseauism, and would not survive a study of animals and babies. Those who hold this belief think that education should have no positive purpose, but should merely offer an environment suitable for spontaneous development. I cannot agree with this school, which seems to me too individualistic, and unduly indifferent to the importance of knowledge. We live in communities which require co-operation, and it would be utopian to expect all the necessary co-operation to result from spontaneous impulse. The existence of a large population on a limited area is only possible owing to science and technique; education must, therefore, hand on the necessary minimum of these. The educators who allow most freedom are men whose success depends upon a degree of benevolence, self-control, and trained intelligence which can hardly be generated where every impulse is left unchecked; their merits, therefore, are not likely to be perpetuated if their methods are undiluted. Education, viewed from a social standpoint, must be something more positive than a mere opportunity for growth. It must, of course, provide this, but it must also provide a mental and moral equipment which children cannot acquire entirely for themselves. (311 worlds)

Precis: Regarding freedom in education to the children, the first party advocates complete freedom; the second party advocates complete absence of freedom; and the third and the majority party is in favor of freedom, but only for the good.  Author doesn’t like individualism, because individualism says that education is only for development. Whereas, positive education is a prerequisite for a cooperative society. Some pro-freedom educators are successful due to their exceptional judgment, which is impossible to create. Moreover, from a social viewpoint, the moral aspect is more important than the development aspect of education. Therefore, education should provide developmental as well as moral training to the children. (106 words)

Title: Freedom in education OR Freedom in education to the children

Question No.3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end.

The majority of people have always lived simply, and most of humanity still struggles on a daily basis to eke out a meager existence under dire circumstances……………………… more enjoyment and more fulfillment in life.


  1. How important is happiness to most people, and what is the relationship between material wealth and happiness?
    Answer: Most of the people live under dire circumstances and for them happiness is an availability of more goods and services, whereas those who are bestowed with more goods and services are also not happiest people on earth. Thus, there is no clear relationship between wealth and happiness.

  2. How does the author characterize the concept of ‘Voluntary Simplicity’ as a movement and as a philosophy?
    Answer: According to the author, voluntary simplicity is a growing awareness of the environmental consequences of consumerism, the voluntary simplicity movement sought to reduce the consumerism of goods and energy and to minimize one’s personal impact on the environment.

  3. What impact is feared by the growing consumerism of modern society?
    Answer: It is feared that growing consumerism would negatively impact the environment, resources, health and happiness.

  4. What influences make it difficult for people to reduce their consumption patterns?
    Answer: Advertisements give an impression that without advertised products people are unsuccessful. Thus compel us to consume products unnecessarily.

  5. What are the challenges and rewards of voluntary simplicity?
    Answer: Advertisements are a  big challenge of voluntary simplicity. Moreover, less consumption is equated with poverty and social inferiority. However, rewards of voluntary simplicity are; more time for loved ones, less stress, more relaxation, better health, more enjoyment and fulfillment in life.

Question No.4. Correct only FIVE of the following:

  1. His knowledge of languages and international relations aids him in his work.

  2. The ambassador, with his family and staff, invites you to a reception at the embassy on Tuesday afternoon.

  3. This year, he will sit for the CSS examination.

  4. The Chief Executive will let us know whether or not he can attend the meeting.

  5. When he came back from vacation, Aslam and I had planned to look for another apartment.

  6. If some of you make a noise, you shall be punished.

  7. He came to me to enquire what the salary attached to the appointment is.

  8. I am too tired that I do not to hunt words and idioms in my English bool.

Question No.5. (a) Punctuate the following text, where necessary.

While taking a nap on the porch one hot summer day, Hodga dreamed that a stranger promised to give him ten pieces of gold. The stranger placed them in Hodga's hand one by one until he reached the tenth piece, which he hesitated to give him. "Come on, what are you waiting for?" said Hodga. "You promised me ten." Just then he woke up. He immediately looked at his hand and saw that it was empty. He quickly shut his eyes again, stretched out his hand and said, "all right, I'll settle for nine."

(b) Re-write the following sentences (ONLY FIVE) after filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

  1. The neighbors came __into__ my house to see what’s going on in the house.

  2. She sat __in__ the shade of the tree.

  3. The moon does not shine __by__ its own light.

  4. The burglar jumped __over__ the compound wall.

  5. She entered __into__ an agreement with them.

  6. I have been working hard __for__ arithmetic.

  7. He got __on__ his bicycle.

  8. It cannot be done __without__ offense.

Question No.6. Use only FIVE pairs of words in sentences clearly illustrating their meanings.

    1. Antic: Comedians made their viewers laugh at their antic face expressions.

    2. Antique: Topkapi Museum in Turkey has a lot of antique objects.

    1. Draught: She is shuddering due draught air passing through the window.

    2. Drought: World could face droughts due to climate change.

    1. Quaint: He made up a quaint story to escape prosecution.

    2. Queer: He is disliked for his queer behavior.

    1. Momentary: It is a momentary pain, soon you will have a sigh of relief.

    2. Momentous: Objective Resolution was a momentous event in the Subcontinent history.

    1. Compliment: She gave a compliment for my dress.

    2. Complement: Your eloquence is a complement to your beauty.

    1. Eminent: Imam Ghazali was an eminent Muslim philosopher.

    2. Imminent: The victory of Imran Khan is imminent.

    1. Faint: There was a faint conversation between them, so I couldn’t hear.

    2. Feint: The boxer made a feint with his left, then with right.

    1. Immigrant: My friend is an immigrant in China.

    2. Emigrant: Most of the students in China are migrated from other countries.

Question No.7. Translate the following into English by keeping in view figurative/idiomatic expressions.

بزرگ نے بتایا کہ جنگل کے پار ایک پہاڑ ہے جہاں وہ پھول اُگتا ہے جس کی خوشبو سے آنکھوں کی کھوئی ہوئی روشنی لوٹ آتی ہے، مگر پہاڑ بہت بلند ہے اور اس پر بے شمار چٹانیں ہیں، کانٹے دار جھاڑیاں ہیں اور بڑے بڑے پتھر ہیں جو راستہ روک لیتے ہیں۔ اِس پہاڑ پر جانے کے لئے کئی لوگ آئے اور چلے گئے مگر ایسا کوئی شخص نہیں آیا جو پھول تک پہنچا ہو۔ شاید اسی لئے دنیا میں دُکھ اور تکلیف ہے اور انسان روشنی کی تلاش میں ہے۔

Translation: The old man said that across the forest there is a mountain where the flower grows whose fragrance restores the lost light of the eyes, but the mountain is very high and there are many rocks, thorn bushes and huge stones on it, which block the way. Many people came and went to go to this mountain, but no one came to reach the flower. Perhaps that is why there is pain and suffering in the world and man is searching for light.