Q. Explain the political system of Islam and how it is different from western secular system?
Q. Define Islamic Concept of State, Sovereignty and its difference
from Democracy.
Q. What is the Islamic concept of state? Identify issues and
challenges to the Islamic concept of state in the modern times. (CSS 2017)
Definition of State: In
modern day, essentials or characteristics of a state are four; permanent population,
defined Territory, government and sovereignty. These essentials are same for
any kind of sovereign state.
state has also these four essentials. Then where is the difference between
Islamic state and non-Islamic state. Difference lies in the concept of
sovereignty. In non-Islamic states sovereignty is belonged to people or monarch
or a team of elites like democracy, monarchy and aristocracy respectively. But
in Islamic state sovereignty does not belongs to the human beings but to the
Allah Almighty, the Creator of the universe and everything of it.
Human Rights: After Crusades between Muslims and Christians, Quran was
translated in 12th century into Latin in Europe. In 17th
century translated in French language. Quran has given the basic human rights
before the so-called father of liberalism, John Locke. Islamic human rights were
mentioned in Maqasid-e-Sharia (protection of life, lineage, property, religion
& intellect), concluded from Quran by Imam Ghazali. Right of property to
women was given by America in 1848, which Islam has given since the first day.
Western Democracy vs Islamic Theocracy: Basic
definition of democracy is, “Rule of people, by the people, for the people”. Therefore,
laws are made by the people. If majority of people are in favor of homosexuality, it becomes a law, to protect this right. Thus, in European democratic
political system, sovereignty belongs to people. But in Islamic political system,
sovereignty belongs to Allah. Islamic state has Islamic Sharia Law, which consists
upon the teaching of Allah Almighty. Thus, the sovereignty of Allah is applied
by applying the Islamic Sharia Law. There are four sources of Islamic Sharia Law;
Quran, Sunnah, Ijma-e-Ummah and Qiyas.
democracy people elect their representative to make legislation and in Islamic
political system Islamic Shura makes legislation. In democracy, people call for
strikes, if any law is passed against their personal interests and in Islamic political
system, people call for strikes, if law is passed against the Sharia.
Issues and Challenges to the Islamic concept of State in modern
Sectarianism (Self-interpretation of
Sharia Law)
Globalization (Influence of Western
Lags behind in Science and Technology
Self-interest of Rulers (security of
5. International Pressure (Sanctions in
the name of Human Rights and to develop democratic values)