Parliament of Pakistan | Law Making Process

Parliament of Pakistan consists of two houses:
  • National Assembly: has 342 members, with 5 years term and Speaker as the leader of the house.
  • Senate: has 100 members, with 6 years term and Chairman as the leader of the house.
Election of the President: The electoral college comprises the Parliament and the state assemblies.
Election of the Prime Minister: The majority party leader is the PM of Pakistan with the vote of confidence in the National Assembly. Moreover, he could be dismissed with a vote of no confidence.

    According to the Article 50 of the Constitution of the Pakistan, Parliament of Pakistan is comprised of President, Upper House (Senate) and Lower House (National Assembly). Except money bill, any bill or amendment is passed by the consent of both of the houses. A bill presented in either house, seek simple majority from both the houses. In case of amendment 2/3rd majority is required from both of the houses.

    A money bill can only be generated in NA and then goes to senate for approval. If a bill is stuck between both the houses, it is passed through a joint meeting of both the houses. After the approval from both the houses, it moves to the President for approval. If president doesn’t give his assent for 10 days, it becomes law automatically. If president return it for reconsideration, it is sent back to the President after consideration.

    In the same way a bill is passed in the provincial assembly, where the Governor of the concerned province plays the role like that of President.