What is Decentralisation in Administration? & its Types

Transfer/distribution of power/authority/functions/management/responsibility from centre to subordinate units is called decentralisation.

Types of decentralisation: 

  1. Political

  2. Administrative

  3. Fiscal

Administrative decentralisation:

Distribution of administrative functions/authority from central government to subordinate fields/units.

Types of administrative decentralisation:

  1. Deconcentration: Shifting decision-making, financial and management functions among divisions/units of central government. For example, FBR, FIA, PSP, PR, NHA, etc.

  2. Delegation: Transfer decision-making and administrative powers to public sector organisations / state owned enterprises for efficiency and profit. Like PTCL, Electric Supply Companies, NFC, PIA, PSO, Pakistan Railways, Pakistan Steel Mills, State Life, WAPDA etc.

  3. Devolution: Transfer of decision-making, management and financial powers to local government. Mayor/Nazim runs the local government affairs with the help of elected representatives of the citizens at local level.