What is OIC (Organization of the Islamic Cooperation)? Why OIC proved incompetent to safeguard Muslim Ummah from Western interference and attacks on Muslim states? What are the reasons and causes behind OIC's failure? How to improve this organization? Suggestions to improve the performance of OIC and bring it to the level of contemporary world top organizations like UN(United Nations).
An Intergovernmental Organization
Established: 25-09-1969
HQ and Permanent Secretariat: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Official Languages: Arabic, English, French
Member States: 57 (56 of which are UN members except Palestine)
Current Secretary General: Yousaf Al-Othaimeen (KSA)
Has Permanent delegations to UN(United Nations) and EU(European Union)
On 21 August 1969 a fire incident in Masjid Al-Aqsa by an Israeli.
On 25 September 1969, 24 Muslim majority countries representatives(mostly heads of state) met in Rabat, Morocco, on the invitation of former Mufti of Jerusalem. A resolution was passed in this Islamic Conference summit, stating that: "Muslim governments would cooperate and mutual assist each other in the economic, scientific, cultural and spiritual fields, inspired by the immortal teachings of the Islam". Thus it was a collective voice of Muslim World and protection of the Holy Places of Islam was the sole aim of the organization.
First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers of Muslim countries was held on 1970 in Jeddah. In 1972, the Organization of the Islamic Conference was founded
2nd Summit and 1st Extraordinary Summit was held on 23-24 February 1974 in Lahore.
On 5 August 1990, 45 foreign ministers of the OIC adopted the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam" in response to "Universal Declaration on Human Rights" to guide Muslim member states about Human Rights, which are compatible with Sharia. But in March 2008, the OIC revised its charter related Human Rights. And the current charter of OIC is supporting Charter of United Nations and International Law without mentioning the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
38th Council of Foreign Ministers held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 28-06-2011. In this meeting the Organization of Islamic Conference changed its name to "Organization of Islamic Cooperation" and logo.
In 1999, "Parliamentary Union of the OIC member states" was established in Tehran.
The OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation) supports a two nation solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, proposed by UN in 1947. Which was rejected by Muslim states earlier.
The OIC's first Science and Technology Summit on 10-11 Sep 2017 is called Astana Declaration. Which commits member states to increase investment in Science and Technology, education, eradicate extreme poverty, and implement UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Islamic University of Technology was established in Bangladesh by the OIC.
In 2017, the extraordinary meeting was held of OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation) named as "Istanbul Declaration on Freedom for Al-Quds", in response to Donald Trump's decision on recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's Capital.
In December 2018 OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation) raised voice against Xinjiang's re-education camps for Muslims and other minorities, and Uyghur Muslims. All these allegations against Government of Peoples Republic of China were baseless and OIC delegation was satisfied after their visit to the concerned areas. In March 2019, the OIC published a report on human rights observations in China and praised for "providing care to its Muslim citizens".
In September 2019, the OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation) condemned Benjamin Netanyahu's plans of annexation.
India has never been given membership because of Pakistan. OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation) supported Pakistan in India-Pakistan conflict. After Pulwama attack, Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj was invited to participate in an OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation) summit to discuss India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir.
UAE(United Arab Emirates) invited India as a guest of honor to attend the inaugural plenary 46th meeting of the OIC foreign ministers in Abu Dhabi on March 2019, despite protests by Pakistan.
At the 34th meeting of OIC, Islamophobia was termed as the worst form of terrorism.
The largest meeting, attended by the Kings and Heads of state convene every three years. Foreign Ministers meet once a year. Secretary General is elected by the Council of Foreign Ministers for a period of five years, renewable once.
Why OIC is ineffective and failed (Causes):
Economy: OIC members covers 22% of the world population and has 2% GDP, 1.3% trade, 1.5% investment of the world, a meagre percentage in contrast to Japan's only GDP more than total GDP of combined OIC members.
Technology: OIC member states covers 70% energy resources and 40% raw material of the world, but their GDP is only 5% because they lag behind in technology.
Education: OIC members produce a very low percentage of PhDs each year which is 5 times less than India and 10 times less than UK only. None of their educational institute ranks in 100 top universities of the world. Muslim world lags behind Science and Technology because of insufficient educational structure. Pakistan suggested to form a multi-billion project to enhance Science and Technology in the past but this proposal was rejected by GCC(Gulf Cooperation Council) states, who could easily afford to fund this project alone.
Human Development: Half of population in member states lives below the poverty line. No Muslim country is in the top 40 of Human Development Index list.
Mixed causes:
According to the charter of OIC, Jeddah is a temporary headquarter of the organization and after the liberation of city of Al-Quds, Jerusalem will be permanent headquarter of the OIC. But after Israel's attacks on Muslims during Ramazan 2021 in Masjid Al-Quds, OIC remained silent on the cruelties by Israel forces. Israel is engulfing Palestine territory continuously and OIC is reluctant to take a stand.
OIC failed to prevent civil wars going on in Muslim states. Sectarianism is at its peak in Middle East. Saudi Arabia and Iran at daggers drawn against each other.
Saudi's close ally UAE has normalized its relations with Israel and thwarted Pakistan's attempt to investigate human rights abuses in Kashmir by India at OIC platform. Saudi Arabia, a close ally of UAE did not made a statement against UAE's relation with Israel and hosting Indian Foreign Minister as a guest of honor but Kingdom strengthened its economic ties with India and stayed at back foot in Kashmir conflict. During Rohingya Muslim massacre, Saudi led OIC kept silence because of KSA and member state's economic interests in the region.
OIC is headed and funded mostly by Arab countries especially Saudi Arabia. That's why it works on her will and take interest in those matters related to Arab states especially KSA. It doesn't takes interest in Palestine because of ideological difference between Palestine and Saudi Arabia.
West, particularly USA is most powerful and has greater influence over OIC policies. As Arab is more dependent on West because of its oil trade and non-Arab OIC members are economical dependent on West. As UN's headquarter is USA(United States of America) and it follows American policy. OIC follows Saudi Arabia, but indirectly West(UN).
OIC proved a theoretical organization but not political active.
56 member states out of 57 already members of UN. Thus they will not make any resolution contrary to UN. As Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam was rebuffed because of UN's stronger influence. Shortly, after CDHRI's inclusion in OIC's charter, OIC revised its charter and supported the UDHR(Universal Declaration of Human Rights) of UN. OIC supports the two state solution of Israel-Palestine issue (proposed by United Nations). It seems to be a sub-organ of UN.
All member states of OIC are divided in multiple other organization like Arab League, Gulf Cooperation Council, Economic Cooperation Organization etc. which has decreased the influence and importance of OIC. This Arab and non-Arab prejudice made the organization ineffective.
In 2020, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi criticized OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation)' inefficient and ineffective role regarding Kashmir and Palestine issue, which was retaliated by Saudi Arabia in form of repay their loan and oil supply was suspended.
OIC lacks military power to put its words into action. (IMCTC)Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition was established to prevent ISIS military interventions. But it is not organized and powerful military wing.
OIC established many other subsidiary and affiliated agencies to support its manifesto, but these agencies failed to accomplish their task effectively as their parent organization.
Since the establishment of OIC Islamic world has witnessed these attacks:
- Fall of Dhaka (1971)
- Soviet intervention in Afghanistan (1979)
- Iran-Iraq war (1980)
- Israel attack on Lebanon (1982)
- US invasion to Afghanistan (2001)
- Iraq occupation by US (2005)
How to improve performance of OIC? (Suggestions):
- Intra OIC members Harmony
- Promotion of Intra OIC trade
- Excellency in Science and Technology
- Sovereignty to Allah Almighty than a rich monarch
- Sharia superiority in all decision except UN guidance
- Allocation of at least 1% of GDP by member states
(Note: In this article you will learn what is Organization of Islamic Cooperation? and why it failed? Reasons and causes behind its failure according to the CSS and PMS syllabus. These are latest notes for the competitive exams)