During the WW1, British Government issued Balfour Declaration (2-November-1917), promising British support for a Jewish home in Palestine. This proposal was presented in British Cabinet by a Jewish cabinet member representing the ambitions of Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, whom helped the British Government in war.
After the demolish of Ottoman Empire, Palestine was under the British Mandate from 1920. After the WW2, Jews were gathering in Palestine, and they struggled to establish a Jewish state and demanded the complete evacuation of British from Palestine. When British Government failed to reconcile both the Jews and Arabs, this problem was presented before newly established UN (United Nations). Saudi Foreign Minister Shah Faisal bin Abdul Aziz met with American President Franklin D. Roosevelt on behalf of Crown Shah Abdul Aziz of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to convince him that do not give a piece of land to Jews in Saudi Arabia. He insisted that we did not killed, but Germans during World War 2 (Holocaust). American President assured him to vote in Arabs favor. But at UN forum American not only vote in favor of Israel but also lobbied in their favor. UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) proposed partition plan in 1947; establishment of an independent Arab State and an independent Jewish State and city of Jerusalem under the Trusteeship of UN until its final solution. This Proposal was rejected from both parties, but Jewish went to heights of insurgency against British nationals, especially abdication and execution of British nationals. These brutal actions by Jewish community forced British to announce that British Mandate would ended on 15 May 1948.
On 14 May 1948, Jewish Zionist Agency declared the establishment of Jewish state "Israel". On the following day, four Muslim countries(Egypt, Syria, Iran and Transjordan) armies along with some other Arab Muslim countries people entered to the former British Mandatory Palestine to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state. But the resistance by Jewish militants did not let them to accomplish their invasion. Israel won thin fight because many Jews who were fighting for decades in WW1 and WW2 were highly trained with latest weapons and experience of war. After a year's fight, a ceasefire agreement was declared and Green Line was declared a temporary border. East Jerusalem and West bank were annexed by Jordan, Gaza Strip was annexed by Egypt. Muslim world did not accept Israel as a state and labelled it as an illegal occupation of Palestine land.
Israel joined UN with a majority vote on 11 May 1949. From Europe, Middle East and all over the world Jews started to migrate to settle in newly Jewish state (Israel), for a better life and fear of Holocaust. Conflicts with Palestinians is a routine matter of Israel.
On 19 July 1956 US(United States of America) and UK(United Kingdom) refused to finance for the Aswan Dam in Egypt, in response to Jamal Abdul Nasser's non-alignment in Cold War. Jamal Abdul Nasir nationalized the Suez Canal on 26 July 1956 to generate economy for the construction of dam. On the same day Jamal Abdel Nasser closed the straits of Tiran to stop shipments of Israel.
With the help of UK and France, Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. Israel withdrew its forces after the UN resolution with the insurance to Straits of Tiran remain open and its closer in the future will be an invitation of war.
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded on 28 May 1964, sole legitimate representative of Palestinian people. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) enjoys the official government status in State of Palestine.
On 22-23 May Jamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to prevent Israel ships. This led to six days Arab-Israel War from 5 June to 10 June 1967. After the war Israel captured Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt, East Jerusalem and West Bank from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria. This victory of Israel over Arabs was only because of Americans support. Arabs decided to make a plan to revoke American influence in future. During Arab Israel war in 1973, America supported Israel with latest war technology and weapons. King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia decided to work on his plan, which he made with Arab oil producing states after six-day war. They jointly suspended the oil supply to America and other European countries. After a grave situation of American economy and European pressure, America hurried to reconcile his relations with Arabs. USA went to Israel to settle the dispute. After American negotiations an agreement was signed between Egypt and Israel, which gave Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. In 1979, a peace treaty was signed between Egypt and Israel, Egypt becoming the first Arab country to recognize Israel.
After the Donald Trump's so called peace deal of the century (recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital) relations were deteriorated. Present American President Joe Biden reversed most of Trump's polies but left the capital issue. Now the most worried issue is of occupied Palestinian land i.e. Gaza and West Bank. What would be the future of Gaza and West Bank? Residents of West Bank and Gaza are suffering after six day war of 1967. Israel is settling Jews in occupied land and annexed it with herself.
During the WW1, British Government issued Balfour Declaration (2-November-1917), promising British support for a Jewish home in Palestine. This proposal was presented in British Cabinet by a Jewish cabinet member representing the ambitions of Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, whom helped the British Government in war.
After the demolish of Ottoman Empire, Palestine was under the British Mandate from 1920. After the WW2, Jews were gathering in Palestine, and they struggled to establish a Jewish state and demanded the complete evacuation of British from Palestine. When British Government failed to reconcile both the Jews and Arabs, this problem was presented before newly established UN (United Nations). Saudi Foreign Minister Shah Faisal bin Abdul Aziz met with American President Franklin D. Roosevelt on behalf of Crown Shah Abdul Aziz of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to convince him that do not give a piece of land to Jews in Saudi Arabia. He insisted that we did not killed, but Germans during World War 2 (Holocaust). American President assured him to vote in Arabs favor. But at UN forum American not only vote in favor of Israel but also lobbied in their favor. UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) proposed partition plan in 1947; establishment of an independent Arab State and an independent Jewish State and city of Jerusalem under the Trusteeship of UN until its final solution. This Proposal was rejected from both parties, but Jewish went to heights of insurgency against British nationals, especially abdication and execution of British nationals. These brutal actions by Jewish community forced British to announce that British Mandate would ended on 15 May 1948.
On 14 May 1948, Jewish Zionist Agency declared the establishment of Jewish state "Israel". On the following day, four Muslim countries(Egypt, Syria, Iran and Transjordan) armies along with some other Arab Muslim countries people entered to the former British Mandatory Palestine to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state. But the resistance by Jewish militants did not let them to accomplish their invasion. Israel won thin fight because many Jews who were fighting for decades in WW1 and WW2 were highly trained with latest weapons and experience of war. After a year's fight, a ceasefire agreement was declared and Green Line was declared a temporary border. East Jerusalem and West bank were annexed by Jordan, Gaza Strip was annexed by Egypt. Muslim world did not accept Israel as a state and labelled it as an illegal occupation of Palestine land.
Israel joined UN with a majority vote on 11 May 1949. From Europe, Middle East and all over the world Jews started to migrate to settle in newly Jewish state (Israel), for a better life and fear of Holocaust. Conflicts with Palestinians is a routine matter of Israel.
On 19 July 1956 US(United States of America) and UK(United Kingdom) refused to finance for the Aswan Dam in Egypt, in response to Jamal Abdul Nasser's non-alignment in Cold War. Jamal Abdul Nasir nationalized the Suez Canal on 26 July 1956 to generate economy for the construction of dam. On the same day Jamal Abdel Nasser closed the straits of Tiran to stop shipments of Israel.
With the help of UK and France, Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. Israel withdrew its forces after the UN resolution with the insurance to Straits of Tiran remain open and its closer in the future will be an invitation of war.
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded on 28 May 1964, sole legitimate representative of Palestinian people. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) enjoys the official government status in State of Palestine.
On 22-23 May Jamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to prevent Israel ships. This led to six days Arab-Israel War from 5 June to 10 June 1967. After the war Israel captured Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt, East Jerusalem and West Bank from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria. This victory of Israel over Arabs was only because of Americans support. Arabs decided to make a plan to revoke American influence in future. During Arab Israel war in 1973, America supported Israel with latest war technology and weapons. King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia decided to work on his plan, which he made with Arab oil producing states after six-day war. They jointly suspended the oil supply to America and other European countries. After a grave situation of American economy and European pressure, America hurried to reconcile his relations with Arabs. USA went to Israel to settle the dispute. After American negotiations an agreement was signed between Egypt and Israel, which gave Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. In 1979, a peace treaty was signed between Egypt and Israel, Egypt becoming the first Arab country to recognize Israel.
After the Donald Trump's so called peace deal of the century (recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital) relations were deteriorated. Present American President Joe Biden reversed most of Trump's polies but left the capital issue. Now the most worried issue is of occupied Palestinian land i.e. Gaza and West Bank. What would be the future of Gaza and West Bank? Residents of West Bank and Gaza are suffering after six day war of 1967. Israel is settling Jews in occupied land and annexed it with herself.
Why Arab Failed(Reasons)? Analysis:
- Arab division on Arab Nationalism and Saudi-Iran tilt
- British and American Support to Jewish community
- Weapons and Technology supremacy of Israel
- Cold War
- Arab's declining economy - Oil trade
- Direct relations without a third party(US & UK) for monetary needs
- Saudi Arabia new vision under Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman to introduce casinos, beach parties and cinemas
- Arab Unity
- Two state solution (Constraints over border line and existing Jews settlement in occupied Palestine)
- Bilateral Agreements
- International Law to recognize border on pre 1967 war lines
- Palestinian unity under one political party (Hamas vs Palestinian Authority conflict)
(Note: In this article you would learn the real cause and constraints over Arab Palestine-Israel conflict and issue. Why Israel is stronger than Arabs? Why Arabs especially Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates is normalizing her relations with Jewish illegal State Israel? How to resolve the conflict? What are benefits and constraints over one state or two state solution in the light of UN Resolution?)