Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Pakistan (CPEC)

    Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the world’s biggest project BRI for the inter-regional connectivity and promotion of the economic development. Belt and Road Initiated (BRI) earlier known as One Belt One Road (OBOR) was started in 2013 with an aim to be completed in 2049. Till now, 147 countries are signatory of BRI. China aims to be a superpower with the help of this project. On the other hand, USA (United States of America) want to sabotage this project, as a threat to its economy and challenge to its position.
Two parts: Land area rout is called Economic Belt, whereas, sea rout is called Maritime Silk Road.
Three Continents: Asia, Africa and Europe will be connected via this project.
Three Key Areas: International trade, infrastructure development and financial investment.
Six Corridors:
  1. China-Mongolic-Russia Economic Corridor
  2. China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor
  3. Bangladesh-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor
  4. Eurasia Land Bridge Economic Corridor
  5. China Indo-China Economic Corridor
  6. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): CPEC is a “Flagship Project” and “Buckle in the Belt” for the China due to its vital location. CPEC is shortest and safest trade route for China to reach Indian Ocean, Middle East, Gulf countries and international market, because China has conflict in South China See and Strait of Malacca. It will reduce the distance of China to reach Gulf countries from 16000Km to 5000Km and time duration from 45 days to 10 days only. Moreover, it will provide route to landlocked countries Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.
    Under CPEC different projects like airports, special economic zones (SEZs), Expressways, Motorways, Highways, Railways, Bridges, Tunnels, Hospitals, Power Plants (Solar, Hydro, Wind and Coal), and Technical & Vocational institutes will be constructed in Pakistan. CPEC will improve Pakistan’s economy, provide jobs to the locals, supply of energy and trade route to international markets. Moreover, developments in Balochistan and North China Provinces will minimize or end the militancy and separatist elements in these regions. Pakistan and China will collaborate with each other in security related matters, which will eliminate Indian subversion (Kabhushan Jadev – An Indian spy captured from Baluchistan).  Pakistan-Iran pipeline will also be effective due to CPEC.
        It is pertinent to mention here that due to political turmoil, economic upheaval, militant elements, inter-provincial disharmony, Kashmir-conflict with India and international pressure by UK, USA and allies, CPEC is a challenging project for Pakistan. But, somehow, Pakistan is on the track. By the grace of Allah Almighty, the good days are not far away.