How Sudan War Started?


1899-1956: Under British Colonial rule (Independence on 01.01.1956) - Since Independence, Sudan has remained under civil war between Arab African and Non-Arab African.

1989: Military coup by Umar Al-Bashir, who deposed P.M Sadiq Al-Mahdi and became President (3 times through rigged elections).

2003: Sudan Government used Janjaweed Militia (Arab Africans) against the rebels (non-Arab Africans in Darfur region.

2005: Peace agreement between Sudan Government and Sudan Liberation Movement.

2011: Independence of South Sudan (Non-Arab Africans having traditional religions - non-Muslims).

2013: President Umar Al-Bashir issued an order to make Janjaweed militia a para-military force to assist the government to bring law and order in the Darfur region. He named it RSF (Rapid Support Force) and appointed Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemetti) its general. It is pertinent to mention here that another reason behind the formulation of this force (RSF) was to prevent a military coup in the future by dividing the power of the Armed Forces into two factions i.e. RSF and the SAF, 

April, 2019: After the independence of South Sudan, Sudan lost more than 75% oil, which resulted in financial repercussions. To mitigate it, the government withdrew subsidies even on staple foods, hence the inflation skyrocketed. As a consequence, protests erupted across the country against Al-Bashir - demanding him to step down. When the economic, social, political and law and order situation became out of control, the RSF and SAF worked together to depose Umar Al-Bashir in a military coup. Moreover, General Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan became the Commander-in-Chief as well as the de facto ruler of Sudan.

August, 2019: General Abdul Fateh established the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) composed of military officers and civil members/politicians to run state affairs. General Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan and commander Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo became chairman and vice chairman respectively of TSC. Moreover, the TSC was tasked to handover government to the civil elected government (Prime Minister) within 39 months.

October, 2021: The president Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan dissolved the Transitional Sovereignty Council in a military coup-2021 and re-established it. He replaced civil members of the Council with those civil members, who were part of the government of Umar Al-Bashir in the past, which made the chairman doubtful before General Dagalo. According to the chairman of TSC, it is impossible to transfer power to the elected government while there are two powerful armed forces with two commanders. Therefore, he presented a bill in the Council to integrate RSF under the regular Sudan Armed Force, and under one command i.e. the president Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan within two years, whereas the commander of RSF required a time of ten years.

15th April, 2023: Both of the generals disagreed with each other and proclaimed their control over Khartoum International Airport, Presidential palace and several military bases. Major clashes have been reported in Khartoum, Omdurman and Bahri. The SAF has an upper hand with the help of the Sudanese Air Force, while the RSF has an air defense system to repel air-strikes. Till now, several important buildings/infrastructure have been damaged in Khartoum and Omdurman. Furthermore, hundreds of civilians have been killed/injured and thousands have been displaced.

General Dagalo has become the one of the most wealthy persons in Sudan with Gold mining, car rental, transport, iron and steel business. RSF militia personnel have their bank accounts in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Moreover, they earned a lot of money from their services in Yemen from KSA. General Dagalo has stronger relations with UAE, Saudi Arabia and Russia than his counterpart General Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan. However, Egypt, Libya, United Nations (UN), Russia, United States of America (USA), China and other neighboring states have no interest in the internal peace of Sudan, but they are interested in their own political and economic relations. Ceasefires have been agreed a number of times, but nobody agrees to it truly.

It is unlikely that the president of Sudan, General Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan will retreat now, because it is like a defeat of the Sudan government and the end of the presidency of General Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan. On the other hand, Dagalo will also not move back, because doing this is the death of him and the serious consequences for his whole militia. Somehow, RSF gets amnesty, but General Dagalo will lose his perks and privileges i.e. freedom in usage of funds, Gold mining & others businesses, direct dealing with international political leaders and a political leader and a commander equal to that of the General Abdul Fateh Al-Burhan. Therefore, it is impossible that General Dagalo will retreat. It is the need of the hour that the international world, United Nations (UN) and countries like the USA, UK, France, Russia and China come forward to solve the Sudan conflict. The solution of this conflict is necessary to avoid a new cold/world war, because evil minds could use this conflict for their evil purposes.

Why is Mr. Imran Khan more successful than his opponents?

  1. Introduction
  2. History
  3. Current Situation
  4. Causes
    • Mr. Imran Khan - a charismatic personality
    • Increased number of education people
    • Social Media - a hotbed of social debate
    • Change demanded by the youth
  5. Conclusion
    Since the first day Pakistan has been under the stranglehold of landlords, elites, bureaucrats and establishment at the expense of democracy. Old and experienced political players and kingmakers are trying their best to make the current political activism under control as they did in the past several times, but, it seems that this time their old tactics are not going to work. It is very interesting that at present the youth of Pakistan is more politically active than ever in the history of the country. There are multiple factors behind the popularity of Mr. Khan. The most important factors are; the honest, firm and consistent behavior of Mr. Khan, increased in the number of educated people and usage of social media, and the union of those political leaders who were against each other in the past.

    After the independence, elite bureaucracy, landlords and powerful military was gifted as a colonial legacy to the newly born country. After the sudden and early death of the founder of Pakistan, there was a vacuum of a charismatic personality, whom the nation could trust. To fill up this vacuum, the military came forward to run the state affairs, but failed, because she was not trained for this purpose. However, the military establishment sustained their rule with the help of landlords and the elite class. Moreover, civil-military bureaucracy helped them alot for the smooth functioning of state affairs despite dissent public voices. A number of times civil rule was tried, but could not work properly due to military intervention directly or indirectly.

    It has been observed that youth of Pakistan is supporting Mr. Imran Khan of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and his narrative, especially after his ouster from power by the PDM (Pakistan Democratic Movement). Moreover, the charismatic personality of Mr. Khan has been more popular due to continuous pressure from the PDM and the establishment. At present he is fighting for the timely elections in Punjab assembly and KPK assembly. The judiciary has ordered for the timely elections, but the incumbent government with the support of its allies is trying hard to delay elections. It is pertinent to mention here that the incumbent government is struggling for an IMF deal due to low foreign reserves. Furthermore, the inflation is skyrocketing day by day due to the political crisis. To end this crisis, the majority of the public is demanding new elections.

    Mr. Imran khan’s past record reveals that he is a well educated, famous, energetic and determined personality. He has never been involved in any corruption before and during his political role. Moreover, his speech at international forums and his vision regarding international relations is matchless with contemporary political leaders of the country. He spoke for the Muslims in the United Nations. It was the beauty of his personality that he got favor from the international world about Islamophobia and the UN has declared 15th March as international day to combat Islamophobia. Furthermore, he is respected all over the world for his sincerity and love for his nation. His opponents label him as stubborn, but his followers like him for his determined character. Above all, he is credited to make people aware of their political potential and realize that they are the real rulers in replacement to old, ill-minded and corrupt elites, landlords and the king-makers.

    Since the first day, the educated class struggled to bring about a positive change, but due to low numbers, their voice was unheard and they were suppressed badly by the self-interested politicians. As per records, the number of educated people has increased more than then times since last two decades. Therefore, now, they have again pursued to bring a positive change in the society through constitutional means. And, this time, they have a greater say due to a sufficient number of like-minded educated people. Moreover, the charismatic personality of Mr. Imran Khan, chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has an agenda, which has matched with the demands of the educated youth of the country. Hence, the campaign of Mr. IK has been more successful than other political parties, who have lost confidence.

    As the world has become a global village, and in this global village the people across the globe have come closer than ever in the past. Moreover, the use of social media is the most important factor behind globalization. The people across the world have learned about the culture, traditions, politics and movements of each other. Nowadays, the Pakistani public is more aware about the political culture, political system and the political activism of the developed countries. Therefore, they had demanded equal rights, transparency and justice as under practice in developed countries. It is pertinent to mention here that almost every youngster in the country has a cell phone with internet connection and is connected to the world through social media. Furthermore, political discussion is the top trend in social media.

    As per Gallup Pakistan (Survey Agency), citizens between the age group 18-30 years cover more than 40% of vote casters. Almost all the educated youth of Pakistan support the agenda of the PTI and looks Mr. Khan as the last resort. It has been observed that last elections have seen a higher voter turnout rate by the youth than ever in the history of Pakistan. As I have mentioned above, the number of educated people has increased more than ten times since the last two decades. And, this educated group of people seek development, peace, equality and political participation in the country. Educated young people have learned equality, justice and transparency during their learning phase, but in practical life they face an opposite picture. When they struggle to join a civil service or while interacting with civil servants, they face corrupt men in the institutions. Hence, they are disheartened and want a change in the society and transparent institutions as they had learned. For this purpose, there is only one and the only political leader is Mr. Khan. Therefore, Mr. Imran khan has greater support of this educated class and has become successful at contemporary.

    Mr. Imran Khan is a popular figure in Pakistan due to his honest, firm and consistent behavior. Moreover, the increase in the number of educated people and social media has made him the most popular leader in the country at present. Furthermore, his popularity grew to a great extent, when all corrupt political parties united together against him. For his followers, he is the one only political leader in Pakistan, who can bring Pakistan out of dismay. All political parties with the help of state institutions are trying their best efforts to bring him down, but failed desperately. The youth of Pakistan is particularly supportive of Mr. Khan, as they have found a true political leader after a long time for their rights and to create a more just and transparent culture in Pakistan.

Features of a Professional and Apolitical Bureaucracy

    For effective and good governance, professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is prerequisite. A professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is composed of skilled, experienced, neutral, expert, experienced and efficient individuals. In addition to this, the bureaucracy is trained to deliver excellent public service to ensure welfare of the people and to make a law and order environment in the country. Here are salient features of a professional and an apolitical bureaucracy:
  • Neutrality: A professional and an apolitical bureaucracy has no political involvement and tries hard to expel political pressure. Moreover, a professional and an apolitical bureaucrat doesn’t let politics be involved in his decision making and administration working.
  • Merit based recruitment: A professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is recruited through a merit based system. It has been observed that a candidate recruited on merit works on merit. It is pertinent to mention here that a bureaucrat is selected after a strict, transparent and uncompromising selection procedure. Moreover, a professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is trained in such a manner that they can ensure merit, justice, good governance and grievance redressal through administration.
  • Equity: A professional and an apolitical bureaucracy ensures fairness and equity while serving the country. They ensure equal distribution of resources, maintaining law and order, and justice at the disposal of the citizen.
  • Good governance: The most prominent feature of a professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is good governance. They ensure distribution of resources with the use of power in such a manner that justice would prevail for everyone irrespective of any conditionality.
  • Accountability: A professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is accountable before the law and is committed to ensure accountability procedure in the state.
  • Transparency: A professional and an apolitical bureaucracy works transparently so that institutes could enjoy the confidence of the people in the public offices and the government.
In a nutshell, a professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is the backbone to good governance, efficiency, accountability, transparency and smooth service delivery. Moreover, a professional and an apolitical bureaucracy is a prerequisite in the contemporary world to meet the challenges of modernization and globalization.

CSS English Precis & Composition Paper 2023 Complete Solution

Question No.2. Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title:

On the question of freedom in education there are at present three main schools of thought, deriving partly from differences as to ends and partly from differences in psychological theory. There are those who say that children should be completely free, however bad they may be; there are those who say they should be completely subject to authority, however good they may be; and there are those who say they should be free, but in spite of freedom they should be always good. This last party is larger than it has any logical right to be; children, like adults, will not all be virtuous if they are all free. The belief that liberty will ensure moral perfection is a relic of Rousseauism, and would not survive a study of animals and babies. Those who hold this belief think that education should have no positive purpose, but should merely offer an environment suitable for spontaneous development. I cannot agree with this school, which seems to me too individualistic, and unduly indifferent to the importance of knowledge. We live in communities which require co-operation, and it would be utopian to expect all the necessary co-operation to result from spontaneous impulse. The existence of a large population on a limited area is only possible owing to science and technique; education must, therefore, hand on the necessary minimum of these. The educators who allow most freedom are men whose success depends upon a degree of benevolence, self-control, and trained intelligence which can hardly be generated where every impulse is left unchecked; their merits, therefore, are not likely to be perpetuated if their methods are undiluted. Education, viewed from a social standpoint, must be something more positive than a mere opportunity for growth. It must, of course, provide this, but it must also provide a mental and moral equipment which children cannot acquire entirely for themselves. (311 worlds)

Precis: Regarding freedom in education to the children, the first party advocates complete freedom; the second party advocates complete absence of freedom; and the third and the majority party is in favor of freedom, but only for the good.  Author doesn’t like individualism, because individualism says that education is only for development. Whereas, positive education is a prerequisite for a cooperative society. Some pro-freedom educators are successful due to their exceptional judgment, which is impossible to create. Moreover, from a social viewpoint, the moral aspect is more important than the development aspect of education. Therefore, education should provide developmental as well as moral training to the children. (106 words)

Title: Freedom in education OR Freedom in education to the children

Question No.3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end.

The majority of people have always lived simply, and most of humanity still struggles on a daily basis to eke out a meager existence under dire circumstances……………………… more enjoyment and more fulfillment in life.


  1. How important is happiness to most people, and what is the relationship between material wealth and happiness?
    Answer: Most of the people live under dire circumstances and for them happiness is an availability of more goods and services, whereas those who are bestowed with more goods and services are also not happiest people on earth. Thus, there is no clear relationship between wealth and happiness.

  2. How does the author characterize the concept of ‘Voluntary Simplicity’ as a movement and as a philosophy?
    Answer: According to the author, voluntary simplicity is a growing awareness of the environmental consequences of consumerism, the voluntary simplicity movement sought to reduce the consumerism of goods and energy and to minimize one’s personal impact on the environment.

  3. What impact is feared by the growing consumerism of modern society?
    Answer: It is feared that growing consumerism would negatively impact the environment, resources, health and happiness.

  4. What influences make it difficult for people to reduce their consumption patterns?
    Answer: Advertisements give an impression that without advertised products people are unsuccessful. Thus compel us to consume products unnecessarily.

  5. What are the challenges and rewards of voluntary simplicity?
    Answer: Advertisements are a  big challenge of voluntary simplicity. Moreover, less consumption is equated with poverty and social inferiority. However, rewards of voluntary simplicity are; more time for loved ones, less stress, more relaxation, better health, more enjoyment and fulfillment in life.

Question No.4. Correct only FIVE of the following:

  1. His knowledge of languages and international relations aids him in his work.

  2. The ambassador, with his family and staff, invites you to a reception at the embassy on Tuesday afternoon.

  3. This year, he will sit for the CSS examination.

  4. The Chief Executive will let us know whether or not he can attend the meeting.

  5. When he came back from vacation, Aslam and I had planned to look for another apartment.

  6. If some of you make a noise, you shall be punished.

  7. He came to me to enquire what the salary attached to the appointment is.

  8. I am too tired that I do not to hunt words and idioms in my English bool.

Question No.5. (a) Punctuate the following text, where necessary.

While taking a nap on the porch one hot summer day, Hodga dreamed that a stranger promised to give him ten pieces of gold. The stranger placed them in Hodga's hand one by one until he reached the tenth piece, which he hesitated to give him. "Come on, what are you waiting for?" said Hodga. "You promised me ten." Just then he woke up. He immediately looked at his hand and saw that it was empty. He quickly shut his eyes again, stretched out his hand and said, "all right, I'll settle for nine."

(b) Re-write the following sentences (ONLY FIVE) after filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

  1. The neighbors came __into__ my house to see what’s going on in the house.

  2. She sat __in__ the shade of the tree.

  3. The moon does not shine __by__ its own light.

  4. The burglar jumped __over__ the compound wall.

  5. She entered __into__ an agreement with them.

  6. I have been working hard __for__ arithmetic.

  7. He got __on__ his bicycle.

  8. It cannot be done __without__ offense.

Question No.6. Use only FIVE pairs of words in sentences clearly illustrating their meanings.

    1. Antic: Comedians made their viewers laugh at their antic face expressions.

    2. Antique: Topkapi Museum in Turkey has a lot of antique objects.

    1. Draught: She is shuddering due draught air passing through the window.

    2. Drought: World could face droughts due to climate change.

    1. Quaint: He made up a quaint story to escape prosecution.

    2. Queer: He is disliked for his queer behavior.

    1. Momentary: It is a momentary pain, soon you will have a sigh of relief.

    2. Momentous: Objective Resolution was a momentous event in the Subcontinent history.

    1. Compliment: She gave a compliment for my dress.

    2. Complement: Your eloquence is a complement to your beauty.

    1. Eminent: Imam Ghazali was an eminent Muslim philosopher.

    2. Imminent: The victory of Imran Khan is imminent.

    1. Faint: There was a faint conversation between them, so I couldn’t hear.

    2. Feint: The boxer made a feint with his left, then with right.

    1. Immigrant: My friend is an immigrant in China.

    2. Emigrant: Most of the students in China are migrated from other countries.

Question No.7. Translate the following into English by keeping in view figurative/idiomatic expressions.

بزرگ نے بتایا کہ جنگل کے پار ایک پہاڑ ہے جہاں وہ پھول اُگتا ہے جس کی خوشبو سے آنکھوں کی کھوئی ہوئی روشنی لوٹ آتی ہے، مگر پہاڑ بہت بلند ہے اور اس پر بے شمار چٹانیں ہیں، کانٹے دار جھاڑیاں ہیں اور بڑے بڑے پتھر ہیں جو راستہ روک لیتے ہیں۔ اِس پہاڑ پر جانے کے لئے کئی لوگ آئے اور چلے گئے مگر ایسا کوئی شخص نہیں آیا جو پھول تک پہنچا ہو۔ شاید اسی لئے دنیا میں دُکھ اور تکلیف ہے اور انسان روشنی کی تلاش میں ہے۔

Translation: The old man said that across the forest there is a mountain where the flower grows whose fragrance restores the lost light of the eyes, but the mountain is very high and there are many rocks, thorn bushes and huge stones on it, which block the way. Many people came and went to go to this mountain, but no one came to reach the flower. Perhaps that is why there is pain and suffering in the world and man is searching for light.

Kashmir issue | History & Solution

Kashmir was ruled by Afghan Durran and in 1819 was conquered by the Sikh Empire under Ranjit Sindh. Following the first Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46) Kashmir was ceded under the Treaty of Lahore to the East India Company, which transferred it to Gulab Singh (in 7.5 million nansakhee rupees) through the Treaty of Amritsar. From 1846 till the partition of India, Kashmir was ruled by Maharaj Gulab Singh's Dogra Dynasty as a princely state under British. The British managed defense, foreign affairs and communications and stationed a British Resident in Srinagar to oversee the internal administration.

According to the 1941 census, the state's population was 77% Muslim, 20% Hindu and 3% others (Sikhs and Buddhists). The Muslim majority suffered under the high taxes of the administration and had few opportunities.

After partition, princely states were to choose whether to join India or Pakistan or remain independent. Maharaja Hari Singh choosed 3rd option. When Muslim population demanded to join Pakistan, Maharaja suppressed them with Hindu Dogra troops including members of RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh). Brutal killings of Muslims resulted in rebellion by Muslims of western districts of Jammu and Kashmir against the Maharaja. Pakistan's border Pashtun tribal men entered into Jammu and Kashmir to help the vulnerable Muslims. They soon controlled most of the western parts of the state and formed a provisional Azad Kashmir Government on 24.10.1947.

Being helpless, Maharaja asked India for help, but the government of India required accession to send troops. Accordingly, the Maharaja signed a provisional instrument of accession on 26 Oct 1947, which was accepted by Governor General Lord Mountbatten the next day. Only defense, foreign affairs and communications were ceded to the Government of India, and others to be discussed after the state is cleared of the invaders. While the Government of India accepted the accession, it added the provision that it would be submitted to a reference to the people after law and order prevails. Since only the people, not the Maharaja, could decide where the Kashmiris wanted to live; it was a provision of accession. In the north of the state, Gilgit-Baltistan was joined to Pakistan according to the wishes of its inhabitants.

Moreover, in response to Indian Forces, Pakistan nationals joined Pashtun Tribals for helping the vulnerable Muslims. Being helpless to halt the invasion, the Government of India went to the United Nations.

United Nations Security Council passed its Resolution 47 in April 1948, which resulted in a ceasefire and ceasefire line(LOC-Line of Control in 2-July 1972 Shimla Agreement after 1971 Indo-Pak war) between India and Pakistan. India gained roughly 2/3rd of Jammu and Kashmir (Jammu, Kashmir Valley and Ladakh) and Pakistan gained roughly 1/3rd third of Kashmir (Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir).

Moreover, UNSC established a Commission and instructed it to go to the subcontinent to help the Government of India and Pakistan to restore peace and prepare for a plebiscite to decide the fate of Kashmir.

The Commission recommended a three step process:

  1. Pakistan was asked to withdraw all nationals.

  2. India was asked to reduce its forces to a minimum level required for law and order.

  3. India was asked to appoint a plebiscite administrator nominated by the UN, who would conduct a free and impartial plebiscite.

Through Presidential Order 1950, Indian Government gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article-370 of the Indian Constitution, conferring it with the power to have a separate Constitutional Assembly to make a separate Constitution (would define that to what extent the Indian Constitution would apply to the state), a state flag and autonomy over the internal administration of the state. Moreover, The Presidential Order 1954 added Article-35A under Article-370, which empowered the state legislature to define "permanent residents" of the state and provide special rights and privileges like; the ability to sale/purchase land and immovable property; vote and contest elections; government employment; higher education; and health care.

After the Indo-Pak war of 1971, both the Governments signed the Shimla Agreement on 02 July, 1972. According to it, both the countries will "settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations".

On 5 August 2019, the Government of India issued a Presidential Order(Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Bill, 2019), superseding the 1954 order to abolish Article 35A.

Why is the Kashmir dispute not resolved yet?

  • Lack of unity within the Kashmir resistance: Kashmiri resistance divided between Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and Hizbul-Mujahideen, and some others. JKLF wants independence but Hizbul-Mujahideen wants the implementation of UN Resolution of Kashmir and eventual accession to Pakistan.

  • Indian Intransigence: India is using delaying tactics to implement the UN Resolution regarding plebiscite. Moreover, India wants to change the LOC into an international border. Moreover, India has refused any kind of mediation in the pretext of Shimla Agreement's provision that Kashmir dispute will be resolved through bilateral negotiations. Furthermore, India has labeled the Kashmiri freedom fight as terrorism at international forums.

  • Unbalanced Pakistan policy: Pakistan hadn't maintained a long-term policy regarding Kashmir dispute. Moreover, Muslilm world has never openly supported Pakistan in this regard. However, the Shimla Agreement has sabotaged the resolution of the Kashmir issue.

  • Inhospitable International Environment: UNO has shown non seriousness since the first day because of strong trade relations of India with USA and European countries.

Solutions and constraints over them:

  • Independence: An idea favored by JKLF, but rejected by Hizbul-Mujahideen (dominant group). Moreover, Independence is thought as the third option by India and Pakistan, because India, Pakistan and China believe that an independent Kashmir would set a bad precedent for the balkanization of other restive areas of ethnic minorities in their respective states, and would become the hot bed of Western powers.

  • Division: India favors the division of Kashmir along the present Line of Control, but this proposal is not acceptable to Kashmiris and Pakistan. Another option is to divide on religious grounds, which seems much better and practicable because Kashmir's population is much polarized on religious grounds.

  • UN Trusteeship: Some scholars want to put Kashmir under trusteeship of the UN for five or ten years, to arrange a plebiscite. But Past record of the UN is not good in settling issues of third world countries like Iraq, Palestine etc. Moreover, both the countries would not agree on it.

  • UN Resolution: UNSC's Resolution of April 21, 1948 proposed a package deal comprising three sections; withdrawal of forces, plebiscite and interim government in Kashmir. Both India and Pakistan raised several objections to the plebiscite scheme.

Conclusion: Kashmir has been a bone of contention between two nuclear countries polarized in the name of the religion. It is the duty of the United Nations, European Union, Russia, China and Muslim world to resolve the Kashmir issue for the sake of international peace. Various solutions have been tried but failed. That’s why there is only one option left to apply; division on religious population base as of India in 1947.